N3: Sir Guy and Lady Marian ride through Sherwood Forest with their guards.
Sir Guy: I thank you, milady, for accompanying me today. Take this necklace as a token of my appreciation.
Lady Marian: That necklace belonged to one of the villagers, did it not?
Guy: She could not pay her taxes, so I took this instead. I would like you to have it.
Marian: I cannot accept it,
Sir Guy. This villager was not born into nobility as we were. Why should she be punished for her poverty?
Guy: I have no pity for commoners and peasants. If they worked harder, they would have plenty.
N1: Lady Marian frowns. Sir Guy looks down the dark path ahead.
Guy: I dislike passing through these woods. They are full of dreadful bandits.
Marian: Is this Robin Hood as ruthless as they say?
Guy: He stole from the Bishop of Hereford, taking his money and his clothes!
Marian: Can’t the Sheriff do something?
Guy: There is a bounty of 200 gold coins on his head, but the people will not turn him in. To them, he is a saint.
Marian: Saint Robin Hood?
N2: Just then, Robin drops from a tree.
Robin: You called?
N3: Sir Guy and his guards draw their swords.
N1: Robin blows his bugle.
N2: Scores of Merry Men appear, arrows drawn.
Guy: Seize them!
Merry Men: Ha! Ha! Ha!
Marian: With respect, Sir Guy, we are outnumbered.
N3: Robin takes off his hat and bows to Lady Marian.
Robin: The lady is perceptive.
N1: A smile twitches at the corners of Marian’s mouth.
Guy: Scoundrel! Let us pass.
Robin: Why the hurry, Sir Guy? You must be hungry after a long day of robbing the poor. Join us for a feast.
Guy: I would rather not.
Robin: Oh, but I rather insist.
N2: Robin’s men blindfold Sir Guy and Lady Marian and lead them to their camp hidden deep in the forest.